Business Systems

We can help set up and support your business with email, cloud storage and collaboration tools from Google and Microsoft.

We have partnered with Microsoft and Google to provide all you need to do your best work, together in one package that works seamlessly from your computer, phone or tablet. It includes solutions for email, file storage and sharing, calendars, video conferencing, simple intranet building and more.

The best part? 
We know that some people prefer tools from Google and others prefer Microsoft. This is why we have partnered with both! We configure it, manage it and can help your train get the most out of it.

Available everywhere, on anything.

Available everywhere, on anything.

You can access your emails and business files from anywhere, on any device. Even if all you have is a web browser on a computer. This is why we love working in the cloud!

Simple pricing with support from us.

Simple pricing with support from us.

We have a simple per-set pricing structure that matches what you pay direct from our providers. Plus because we manage your account, we are only a phone call away if you need more help.

Autosaved, with full backups available.

Autosaved, with full backups available.

By working with documents in the cloud, files are autosaved and older versions can be restored. For full backups and disaster recovery, we recommend adding our SaaS Cloud Backup service.

Need help with managing your business systems?

Focus on growing your business and we will take care of the rest.